Prosperity for All
Prosperity for All
Prosperity for All
Prosperity for All
Prosperity for All
Prosperity for All
Gatesworth James
The Democratic National Alliance (DNA) was launched on 18 April 2017. We are aware that the road to maturity and institutionalization of this New, Fresh and Dynamic political party would not be a walk-in-the-park. As with all new endeavours, the natural growth process is by itself challenging. However, we remain confident that with the capabilities, confidence and capacity of our founding and new members, and enthusiastic supporters, the DNA will withstand the test of time. And indeed, we have and we did!
As predicted, once the other political parties sensed that we were soundly resonating with the public, they began to throw stones, hurling all sorts of propaganda intending to discredit our growth momentum and derail our efforts. The most blatant was the senseless snap General Elections called by the Prime Minister in 2018, just as we began blossoming. Conventional wisdom posits that this move was primarily aimed at stifling our momentum given the excitement which the DNA was generating among the electorate. As was expected, the snap election resulted in some setbacks notably denying the electorate the opportunity to make a fair assessment of their political options which resulted in the ABLP being returned to government. The result has been a total disaster and an unprecedented failure of both leadership and governance which has thrown our Nation in a perpetual downward spiral. Undoubtedly, the secure and sustainable future of Antigua and Barbuda lies with a DNA government.
The Gaston Browne Administration’s failed leadership has become the laughing stock across the Caribbean. They have no sustainable solution to our Nation’s numerous problems. They are famous for boastful clichés and trumped up achievements from the infamous economic power house” to “build 500 homes in 500 days”. These are ALL utterances of a quintessential egomaniac spouting big, barefaced lies.
In recent times, in response to the economic fallout caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, they said that $500,000,000 was available to them for the much touted rebuilding program. Yet they have failed to draw down on any of this money and the people continue to suffer. And to add insult to injury, the wanton give-a-ways of some of the Nation’s prized assets coupled with their prolonged disgraceful acrimonious relationship with the people of Barbuda epitomize their legacy. Their inability to manage complex symptomatic of poor Leadership and the absence of vision. Their focus is on enriching themselves and holding on to government by any means necessary and to the detriment to the Nation’s people and development. That is what we call backwardness. Hence we can say our secured future is with a DNA Government.
The emergence of the DNA with our embedded and achievable motto of “Prosperity for All” and with our clear vision and achievable Vision and Mission – inscribed elsewhere in this issue of the Catalyst; we say confidently that hope is on the horizon!
Following the clear and distinct set of Pledges linked to astute Political Leadership, by former MP, Joanne Massiah, and her determined Executive members and other Leaders of the DNA, it is inevitable that with a DNA Government, our Nation will reverse all the backward activities and put us on the right tract for sustainable progress. We are committed to the tenets of Transformational Leadership and are emboldened to institute a new kind of politics with a different style of leadership. So let us press on towards a secured future by voting the DNA as our next Government.
With this online newsletter, The Catalyst, we have set the stage for more effective communication with you. It opens the door for the open exchange of ideas and certainly brings governance to your door steps. Our Vision 2040 chronicles our architectural blueprint for the social and economic redevelopment of Antigua and Barbuda. We look forward to your feedback and welcome your contribution as together work collaboratively to achieving a secured future.
Do join us in this pursuit!