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…a new style of Leadership 

…a new style of Leadership 

…a new style of Leadership 

…a new style of Leadership 

…a new style of Leadership 

…a new style of Leadership 

Dear Readers,

I am delighted to share with you the DNA’s first publication of our newsletter, The Catalyst, another medium for engaging the public as, together, we embark on an exciting journey of transformational leadership. Each publication promises articles designed for varying demographics and will leave you eagerly anticipating the next issue.

The featured articles will stimulate your intellectual curiosity, sharpen your political insightfulness, give you much to ponder and contemplate, and generate exciting discussions regarding where our country is versus where is ought to be developmentally 40 years after independence. I invite you to contribute to our newsletter by penning articles on issues or topics on which you are particularly passionate and sending them to our editor. Likewise, we encourage persons in our business community to place your ads with us as another medium to highlight your offerings. 

As we tackle frontally the myriad issues bedeviling us daily, we posit that the social and economic re-development of our beloved Antigua and Barbuda demand that all of us become more engaged and eager contributors to community and national life. None of us can afford to be idle by-standers in this herculean patriotic undertaking. Our faith in ourselves and our country must never falter!

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the government’s illusionary “economic powerhouse” and revealed the hard truth about our inadequate social protection frameworks and our weak and pumped-up economy. Numerous families and small and medium sized businesses continue to struggle from the effects of the coronavirus; yet government has failed to provide any sustainable social and economic relief to alleviate their suffering which is inexcusable! 

However, in every crisis there are opportunities and this pandemic is no exception. In the midst of unprecedented challenges, many of our people particularly our youth demonstrated their creativity, latent skills and entrepreneurial talents. We salute them and assure you that the DNA is rooting for your success and business sustainability! 

As we assess and analyze the political dynamics in our country, we recognize that our electorate is more divers, sophisticated and savvy with varying expectations. I assure you that the DNA will continue to advocate for a different type of politics and a new style of Leadership as we rise to conquer the challenges of the 21st century and indeed this decade. As you review our Vision 2040 which outlines our policy prescriptions for social, environmental, constitutional, political and economic reform, we invite you to analyze them and offer your feedback on our various social media platforms. Growth is only possible if we are prepared to change and change is the only constant in life…

We say boldly that the DNA is the only political party which will offer the people of Antigua and Barbuda credible leadership and real solutions…Hope is on the horizon!

Enjoy the literary journey…

Yours in service,
Joanne M. Massiah
Political Leader

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