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Mené Lewis

Higgledy-Piggledy Reverie

Peepers meandering emptiness, obliterated psyche and rising of the sun to the setting is of nothingness. 

They descry this to be of cycle. A sort of foreigner reverie in the adobe, fancied is my kin Micheal. 

Abandoned responsibilities they claim, hated is the Higgledy-Piggledy Reverie in which they blame.

But these peepers are not meandering emptiness and the rising of the sun to the setting is not of nothingness.

Engrossed meandering is where I belong, innovative imagination, productiveness so strong. 

Arduous existing an outsider in the adobe, by my kins my character misconstrued and below me.

Longing for these kins to grant the gifted mind of creation. Proceeding to make use of my self-actualization.

To be creative is to view the world through different lenses. The creative devises ideas to solve problems in ways poles apart from the norm, while also having the ability to express these ideas through artistic mediums which include writing, painting, drawing, filming, music etc. The mediums to which the audience are directed, will then use the creatives' work to feel and connect with a whole new concept of the world by amazingly beautiful avenues.

Invariably, we arrive at the conclusion that one is magically born with ‘A’ class artistic talents. A child may be born with an aptitude to learn the arts, but just like every other skill, if the art isn’t nurtured and developed there will be no true ‘A’ class artist. This is why it is disheartening to recognize that historically, around the world, the innovative minds of our youth aren’t being honed. There are still many parts of the world where the educational system favour the traditional way of teaching and learning that is, a singular focus on pure academics. But in order for more creativity to be accepted and ensure a greater chance of succeeding in todays’ society, the enabling environment must be created in both homes and schools to recognize and nurture the creative minds of our youth.

There is no doubt that the traditional educational continues to promote rote learning that is, by memorizing and testing. There is little to no appreciation of creative thinking and using creative tools in the classroom to bring out the best in students who are artistically inclined.

As a result, students with an innately creative mind sometimes do not excel in traditional pure academic fields due to their unique way of thinking. The curriculum does not have room for either creative learning or tools to enable these students to excel in the creative fields. In addition, we limit those who do not naturally possess a highly creative mind to a one-sided way of accomplishing things, instead of molding them to use their minds creatively.

Without creativity there is no imagination. And if we have no imagination, we have lost our childhood. There would be no books, no fantasies, no flying machines. No muppets, no monsters, no Disney. No bikes, no televisions, no computers. No law of gravity. No Beatles. No Bob Marley. No God. No Internet. No bluetooth. A never ending list of things that make life better. Creativity and imagination are what’s needed in life to see things beyond what’s visible.

As society evolves, so does our way of life. Let us reject the historical education system which does not accommodate new opportunities in todays’ society and embrace the naturally gifted creative minds of our youth. Let us also build the creative minds of our youth and in turn we will build a more successful and dynamic future.

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