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The Democratic National Alliance (DNA) wishes to advise that at its executive meeting held on October 19th, 2019 in which the matter of a letter received from the Faithful Nationals (FN) informing the DNA of its decision to hold a public march...was discussed, the decision was reached that the Party would decline the invitation to officially participate in the slated activity

In its reply, the DNA reminded the FN that the Party has publicly highlighted multiple ills confronting the citizenry and has expressed on numerous occasions its dissatisfaction with the manner in which the Gaston Browne Administration continually demonstrates a total disregard for good governance. We will continue to utilize several approaches to expose corruption and challenge this administration. 

While we are not theoretically opposed to supporting efforts we deem to be strategic and effective to bring pressure to bear on this administration, the DNA is unconvinced of the sincerity of the FNs invitation to join [the FN) in the planning and execution of the march on 24th Octobergiven that the FN had already decided to hold this activity long before the dispatch of its letter. In reflecting on the letter, Political Leader Joanne Massiah commented, it has not escaped the leaders and members of the DNA that core organizers and factions of the FN habitually resort to continuous public bullying, ridicule and threats aimed at our organization in an effort to undermine and diminish the DNA.” 

The DNA concludes that the letter from the FN appears to be a calculated strategy designed only to have the public record reflect that an invitation was extended to the Party. Massiah reiterates that the DNA is a conscientious political organization that will continue to jealously guard its forthrightness and independence as we fearlessly champion the need for a real transformational approach to nation building and to our politics. We urge others to join us in this endeavour


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